Blog Archives

Feb 22nd, 2017

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Category: How I Got The Shot

How I Got The Shot #7

On the 7th installment of “How I Got The Shot,” we have a photo of Mary Sumo, to describe to the readers that you don’t need a bunch of equipment to make an awesome photo. Keep reading to see how one light and light diffuser can make something normal into something worthy to blog about. […]

Jan 31st, 2017

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Category: How I Got The Shot

How I Got The Shot #6

On the 6th installment of “How I Got The Shot,” we have a photo of Bree, to describe to the readers how a simple photo can be turned into a dramatic headshot with lighting and posing. This photo was taken at Studio XII in Oklahoma City. It’s a very nice studio located at 1208 N. Pennsylvania […]

Jun 12th, 2016

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Category: Events

Standing With Orlando

Yesterday was about hate. Today was about Love, Peace and Equality for everyone. Today, America woke to heart wrenching news out of Orlando, Florida. As the day went on, and the details rolled in, many of us felt the familiar feelings of shame and sadness. Feelings of sadness, of course, for the victims and their […]

May 22nd, 2016

Comments: 2
Category: How I Got The Shot

How I Got The Shot #5

On the 5th installment of “How I Got The Shot,” we have a photo of Ashley, to show readers that you don’t always need a large elaborate place to take and make great photography. This photo was taken at my dinner table, in the evening, around 6pm. Those are curtains behind Ashley and not an […]

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