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Photos by Leia Smethurst

Concept behind this site is to share a local artist’s vision of life.  I am an educator by profession. I am a band director in Oklahoma City Public Schools. I also am a photographer. I photograph everything from fashion shows all over the southwest United States, NBA games with, senior portraits, and weddings.  Get to know the man behind the vision…

1. When did you start taking an interest in photography? I’ve had a healthy interest since childhood but not serious until 2010.

2. What is your passion for photography? I like to make images that people find hard to forget.

3. What is it that gives you that accomplished feeling? I feel accomplished when I see the finished product and it makes me say Wow!

4. Tell me a little about your love for music? My love for music goes back to high school. Music brings curves and shading into a straight lined dull world.

5. How long have you had a passion for music? I’ve been a musician since the age of 10. Along the way I’ve heard that music calms the savage beast. So, I figured he who controls that beast is a powerful man.

6. How did you get involved in local/school bands? Being a band teacher and being blessed with the gift music, I’m able to have an influence on the future by shaping students minds.

7. Who inspires you most in life? My father

Thank you for stopping by to see me Torrey Purvey on

You can view his photography services offered by using the following link —> PHOTOGRAPHY.

You can also find me on Twitter @torreypurvey.