Oklahoma Fashion Week 2013

Apr 23rd, 2013

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Category: photography

Oklahoma Fashion Week 2013

Between the Dallas Pinshow and Austin Fashion Week there was this history making week called OKLAHOMA FASHION WEEK. The reason why it was history making was due to the fact that it was the first time Oklahoma had a fashion week. The entire week was filled with events that were as local as Oklahoma City and as far away as Stillwater, Oklahoma. It started Sunday April 14th with its opening and media day at the Mercedes Benz dealership in downtown OKC. It was great to see all of the buzz that was created for the event by event coordinators Frank Christon of Recipe Stylings and Virginia Boyles. They both worked hard for a year to make this happen. There were photographers, videographers, models, cars, local politicians, and Governor Mary Fallin. The event was done right!

One of the nightly events was held at Whole Foods where Maria Chaverri, a local designer, was showing her line of clothing. The clothing that she makes is very special and for special people. Her outfits are custom made pieces for women who have survived breast cancer. I thought that was very inspiring. I wasn’t the only one that felt that way. There was a video team from Boston filming a documentary about breast cancer and chose to feature Maria and  have Oklahoma Fashion Week to be the back drop of the movie. So not only is OFW (Oklahoma Fashion Week) on the map here in Oklahoma, but when the documentary is viewed it will also be seen by as many people who watch the movie. Be sure to watch out for the movie because yours truly has a small part in it. You can find Maria on her site:

Along with that, I also had the opportunity to go to this hot new salon in Midtown named Revel Eight Salon & Spa. I was greeted at the door by Rachel Baldwin and was given a tour by the owner Claire Buchanan Westland. That place was dope. I mean it had everything needed for a salon and spa. One room we couldn’t go in because there was a massage session in progress. It was a very relaxing place. I felt as if I had come up on a secret that only a few people knew about.  I have to tell you to go by there and get pampered by one of the 12 or so employees there. The address is 201 NW 10th Suite 125. Or call  Rachel 702-1688 and ask what can they do for you. Tell them Torrey told you to call and you heard about it from this blog.

I missed a few events because it was so much going on but the week ended with a surge that knocked out the power to the circuits, literally. The fashion was banging. I’ve been to a few shows but none like this. I felt as if I was a part of something bigger than me. It had so much energy that other photographers were immediately processing images and posting to get the images up. It was a great event. I met lots of people and even learned a thing or two on the way. I met a photographer by the name of Gerry Hanan. He gave me a few pointers on a few things and gave me the notion to submit to New York Fashion week. If a complete stranger has confidence in my work and pushes me to submit for something as big as NYFW then maybe I should try.  But I digress back to the week that was OFW. It was heavily attended. I saw local celebrities like Bobbie Miller, Governor Fallin, Mr. & Mrs. Thabo Sefilosha, Serge Ibaka, Leia Smethurst, and Marc Flemon.

Let me say this.

…The models were POW!
…The designers was BANG!
…The venue was KAPOW!
The event was OKLAHOMA FASHION WEEK 2013.

To see the rest click on the image.




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